Vegetable Glycerin, 16 oz.

Vegetable Glycerin, 16 oz.


Our glycerin is kosher, USP vegetable glycerin. Also, known as VG, vegetable glycerin is commonly used in the food industry as a natural sweetener, moisturizer, surface science additive, antifreeze, personal care product and even fuel. 

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Glycerin is a waste byproduct of biodiesel production. Glycerin is used in a range of different industries, including surface science, personal care, antifreeze, and the food industry.

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Carob Powder Toasted Unsweetened, 8 oz.

Agar Powder, 5 oz. Agar Back.jpg

Agar Powder, 5 oz.


Nutritional Yeast Flakes, 6 oz.

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Sesame Seed Black, 4 oz.

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Flax Seeds Golden - Organic, 12 oz.
